NEWCOMERS – The gift of beginner’s mind
We can offer free instruction in Zen meditation for anyone who wishes to learn, including zazen (sitting meditation practice), kinhin (walking meditation) and other practice forms which we follow in the zendo. The instructions are simple and the practice can be learned by anyone. It is not necessary to be able to sit cross legged on the floor. You may sit on a chair or bench if you prefer.
We are all beginners and we aspire to the fresh attention of beginning in our practice and our lives, recognizing that not knowing is most intimate.
Newcomers are asked to first email Myokai ( to arrange to meet with a trained instructor before coming to the zendo for the first time. Whoever you meet with can provide you with free zazen meditation instruction, and will happily answer all of your questions at this meeting.
Please arrive 15 minutes early the first time you attend at the zendo. Please arrive on time and wear loose, neutral coloured, comfortable clothing. Please do not wear clothing that draws attention or could be distracting, such as: shorts, short skirts, tank tops or shirts with pictures or messages. Please turn off your cell phone and any other electronic devices.